
Leak Detection

Detecting leaks isn’t always as easy as identifying a leaky faucet. Silent leaks that occur in toilets, hot water heaters, walls and floors are the most devastating and costly to a property. Most properties don’t know these leaks are occurring until they receive a substantial water bill and either have to absorb the expense or pass back to the residents.

Utilizing LeakDetect™ technology, the Minol USA powered by Brunata team can help identify costly leaks in apartment homes before they impact your bottom line.

A leaking toilet can waste up to
90,000 gallons of water in 30 days.*
*Statistic provided by WaterSense, a partnership program by the
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

Utilizing LeakDetect™ Technology

  • Real time leak detection for properties submetered for water.
  • Detect leaks in both occupied and vacant units.
  • Avoid disputing large resident bills and losing revenue through courtesy credits.
  • Receive daily, automatically generated emails with leak detection alarms to designated recipients at your property.
  • Applicable for all Inovonics Wireless Based Systems.